The adventures of a family led by a single mom. Come along and see what fun adventure is heading our way!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Jacob had lots of firsts today
After the haircut, I decided we should take advantage of the warm weather. We stopped at a park and Jacob enjoyed climbing on the playground. He also went down the slide by himself for the first time. I had helped him down before but this was the first time he went alone. He fell off at the bottom once but soon learned to slow down at the bottom.
For those watching what "phase" Jacob is in now, let me update you. Kitty is still a favorite word but not used exclusively now. He no longer searches for "Kitty" whenever he gets bored. His new phase is to go in the kitchen and demand a "cookie" even if it is just minutes before dinner. Twice in the past week he has tried to get me to give him only cookies for dinner. Unfortunately, I can be just as stubborn as him and even better at ignoring his tantrums. He is beginning to learn to eat more at dinner and then ask for a cookie. That strategy works much better. Although all of the battles go out the window at Grandpa's. Grandpa will give a cookie almost anytime Jacob asks and smiles :)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
America Gives Back

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Social Worker Visit

We had a visit with our adoption social worker yesterday. Jacob arrived for the meeting with mud on his pants, tears on his face and a toy stethoscope around his neck. No he wasn't hurt. We were 30 minutes early for the appointment and decided to go to the park. The mud was from crawling on the wet equipment. The tears were because he did not want to leave. The stethoscope was a two-day phase. He refused to leave it at home. I grabbed his shoes and said we were leaving. He grabbed his stethoscope and put it around his neck.
So what else have we been doing this week? The above picture was taken when my yard was full of young people. Our friends Jasmine and Brooke, 13 and 12 years old, came over to make chocolate chip cookies. Later Jasmine left and returned with her cousin. Trudie, Jacob, Jasmine, Brooke, their cousin and I all ended up outside. The above picture is Jasmine and Jacob spending a quiet moment on the steps.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Dog or Child
The au pair arrived last week and it is nice to have some help. I can get some homework done, housework and just relax a little more. She is also settling in and adjusting to American culture. Life here is so much different than in some other countries. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for her and Jacob to move to a new country where they did not know anyone.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
One Month Ago Today

Friday, April 13, 2007
More Transitions

We have now met many of my friends and are preparing to meet relatives during the next two months. There are still more friends to meet but we have plenty of time. Diane was nice enough to help Jacob learn to use his shape sorter and Troy helped him learn about butterflies at the museum in Milwaukee. It is wonderful to have friends who enjoy visiting with Jacob.
We have a new friend to meet tomorrow. She will require adjusting for all of us but having her here will be worth it. Trudie is coming from South Africa to live with us for a year. She is currently in New York City being trained and will arrive in Madison tomorrow night. I have been busy over the past few days trying to get ready for her. We are almost there.
It will be so wonderful to have someone here to help with Jacob. She is coming as part of a government cultural exchange program for au pairs (similar to nannies). She will live with us and be considered a member of the family. Our family now consists of Jacob, Trudie, Mommy, a dog and 3 cats. I am now officially out of bedrooms and playrooms. I will either need to buy a bigger house or stop adding to the family. For a few years, I will just take a break from new additions to the family. A new house would be more fun but I can barely afford the one I have now.
More Transitions

We have now met many of my friends and are preparing to meet relatives during the next two months. There are still more friends to meet but we have plenty of time. Diane was nice enough to help Jacob learn to use his shape sorter and Troy helped him learn about butterflies at the museum in Milwaukee. It is wonderful to have friends who enjoy visiting with Jacob.
We have a new friend to meet tomorrow. She will require adjusting for all of us but having her here will be worth it. Trudie is coming from South Africa to live with us for a year. She is currently in New York City being trained and will arrive in Madison tomorrow night. I have been busy over the past few days trying to get ready for her. We are almost there.
It will be so wonderful to have someone here to help with Jacob. She is coming as part of a government cultural exchange program for au pairs (similar to nannies). She will live with us and be considered a member of the family. Our family now consists of Jacob, Trudie, Mommy, a dog and 3 cats. I am now officially out of bedrooms and playrooms. I will either need to buy a bigger house or stop adding to the family. For a few years, I will just take a break from new additions to the family. A new house would be more fun but I can barely afford the one I have now.
Monday, April 9, 2007
I hope you had a great Easter!

I hope everyone had a good Easter. I spoke to Jacob about the Easter Bunny, showed him the Easter Bunny at the mall and explained that he would leave presents on Easter morning. I didn't think Jacob understood. I was wrong. He woke up an hour early and was told to "look for your Easter basket." He looked under the table and couch and then found it by the front door. He really enjoyed finding the toys and eating the chocolate.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
JM did wonderful. He got scared when they wrapped him up in a sheet (to keep him still) and covered his eyes. He then cried afterwards but it was his "I'm very angry at you" cry and not his "I'm hurt" cry. After three weeks, I am pleased to say I know the difference. I hear the "I'm angry" cry at least once a day. That is just part of having a toddler.
JM's face now has little marks that look like cigarette burns on his face. They don't seem to hurt though. He still rests that side of his head on the floor and doesn't seem to flinch when he or I touch it. I felt guilty for putting him through the ordeal though so I bought him a new toy at Toys R Us. The new toy actually became two toys when I discovered they had a sale and the second toy would be free. Who can turn down free toys? Plus, it is so much fun when I bring out a new toy to open and play with. He jumps up and down waving his arms and saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Now who could ever resist that?
All in all, we are still doing very well. Jacob has begun calling me Mama and even gave me my first kiss today. He has always given me hugs but I think he just needed to learn how to kiss. His first one was a little awkward but he has the hang of it now.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
2 pounds in less than 2 weeks!
Some people have been asking how he is coming in learning English. He understands everything I say (I think) and gives me his I got caught smile when he misbehaves. He is learning new words every day. Today he told me to "sit down" while he was playing on a cardboard box. I gently explained that the box would collapse if I sat on it. He giggled and began scribbling with a pen on the box. He also loves to tell me "you did it" any time he catches me making a mistake. There are many other words and phrases he has learned but I don't want anyone falling asleep on me.
We made it all the way through our second church service without crying. The only time I left with him was to change his diaper. He slept through the sermon and only woke up after communion. It was nice to hold him during the service and watch him sleep. He really is a sweet kid (even when he is not sleeping).
I also found out JM will be going on his first vacation in May! We are going to Branson Missouri to visit my mom's brother, sister-in-law and mother. I also learned that my aunt (dad's brother's ex-wife) lives 50 miles from there. We are making plans to see her since we will be so close. I saw her briefly at my cousin's wedding about 10 years ago. Otherwise, I haven't seen her since my 8th birthday party. I am very excited! Of course, Jacob doesn't know about any of this yet but will have a great time.