Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Healthy Boy!

I kind of chuckle when I remember the warnings from my famiy doctor. I had just shown him the referral information on Jacob. He gave me warnings of possible mental retardation, seizures, glaucoma and a host of other problems. I had done my own research and stated "but he isn't showing any signs of trouble and he is over 12 months old." The doctor wasn't convinced. He stated he knew I had already made up my mind but wanted me to know about the worst case scenario. He ended the appointment by telling me he looked forward to meeting Jacob. He knew I was determined. I knew in my heart there was nothing wrong with this child.

Jacob went to the eye doctor yesterday. It was our last stop to rule out any medical problems related to his birth mark. Once again, he received a clean bill of health and told there are no signs of the disorder everyone had been so worried about. I could have told you that.

Jacob is your typical almost 2 year old. He throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way (even though I tend to ignore them). He is beginning to put 2 words together such as "Go car!" He can climb up almost anything and loves to go down the big slides at the park. He has not shown jealousy towards the dog or other children in weeks. He is securely attached and growing quickly.

I don't have much news on my next adoption. I have an appointment to attend an orientation meeting on July 10. I am debating whether or not to be open to a sibling group of two. It would probably come down to who the two children were, if I qualified for adoption assistance and if I can handle any problems they may have. I also keep playing with the idea of trying to become pregnant in a few years. I am not sure I want four children. I will continue to pray about it and ask God to send me the children that are right for me and my family. I wouldn't be the only single mom of three or four children and it would be fun to have a big family.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

21 months old today!

We returned from Colorado on Tuesday and discovered our computer is now fixed. We are now back and resuming our daily routine. I have almost caught up on sleep and am working on catching up on chores. It seems like there is always more to do.
We have a new swing in our backyard. It is a patio swing that fits three people or can be used as a hammock. I bought it in memory of my grandfather (who passed away last January). I have many memories of sitting on my grandfather's swing. I would often go out there to relax and enjoy the fresh Colorado air. After a few minutes, my grandfather would come out and we would have talks on the patio. It was the one place where we would relax and have serious conversations. Now, I hope to create memories on my swing with my son (and hopefully future children).
Jacob is growing up very quickly. He is now 21 months old and growing very quickly. He is saying over 50 words and uses far less babble. He has accomplished most gross motor skills that children should do before there second birthday. He has had two laser treatments on his face and his birthmark has faded significantly. We still have many more treatments to go but so far he has responded well. He loves preschool and I am looking forward to when he can attend some longer classes next fall. He will do great in a class that meets for a couple hours a couple times a week.
There is no news on the adoption front for another child. I am open to a girl 3-7 years old or a sibling group of 2 with a girl. There are a few children that meet my criteria but I cannot look into adopting them until my home study update is complete. It is looking like that will not happen until Fall. That isn't all bad though. Receiving placement next Spring or Summer would be excellent timing. I should be on dayshift by then and Jacob will have been here for over a year. He will also be able to understand what is happening a little better. If nothing else, adoption is teaching me how to be patient even when excited and anxious.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Jacob and I are enjoying ourselves in Colorado. We came out for 3 days to visit relatives and attend my cousin's wedding. After a couple hours of being somewhat shy, Jacob let himself loose on the dance floor. He was out there for about 2 hours dancing with cousins just a little older than him and the adults. He was the highlight of the wedding (other than the bride and groom of course :) He is growing up so fast.

Today we are going to spend some time at a museum in Denver and then head back to Wisconsin. It has been a fun weekend but I must return to work. I wish I could just win the lottery and spend all my time with Jacob! I enjoy my job though and Jacob is doing well with our au pair.

I cancelled my home study appointment for next week. I found out that the government will pay for my home study if I am adopting a child from foster care. I would need to complete the home study with a different agency. I called that agency last week and am now waiting to hear from them. I am not in too much of a hurry though. I do not qualify for family leave until next year and really want to wait until then for placement anyway. It would just be nice to have the information I need and be started on the process. Adoptions take months to complete so I would like to start in the next few months. In the meantime, I am loving my time as Jacob's mommy.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Delay in Posts

I just wanted to post and apologize for how quiet I have been lately. My computer has a virus (or something) and I cannot get on the internet at home. I am actually at the library now. I hope to get my computer fixed in a couple weeks (I need a couple more paychecks first).

Everything is going great with Jacob. He is loving preschool and even sitting still long enough to complete art projects. He usually fusses for about 10 seconds as I walk out the classroom door. He then happily begins playing. The class only meets one day a week for 1 1/2 hours. It is all he needs now and he loves it.

Someone asked me to post on time lines for Jacob's adoption. Here is how it played out.

January 2006- I went to some orientation meetings and selected a home study agency. That agency that directed me to Wide Horizons For Children (WHFC).

February 2006- I discovered I would need to put the adoption on hold until I earned some more money.

May 2006- I began the home study process.

August 2006- The home study was complete. I received immigragion (CIS) approval and began "officially waiting" for a healthy infant 0-12 months old.

November 2006- I had an overwhelming feeling that my son was on the waiting child list for Children's Home Society and Family Services (CHSFS). After a sleepless night, I received the password to view the children. I found my son about 2 minutes later. I knew instantly he was meant to be mine.

December 2006- My homestudy was updated to reflect a child up to 24 months. This was needed because Jacob was 15 months old and definitelly not the 0-12 months I thought I would adopt. My dossier for CHSFS was also completed and sent to Ethiopia.

February 2007- I made it through court on Feb. 8 and received a phone call Feb 14 that I would travel in March.

March 8, 2007- I left for Ethiopia.

March 10, 2007- I met my son! It was a wonderful experience.

March 14, 2007- I took custody of Jacob.

Coming up: Readoption on August 22, 2007!

What a journey! I cannot wait to adopt again! I am beginning my next home study at the end of this month!