The above pictures were taken in Ethiopia. The top one was taken at the farewell ceremony at the orphanage (Care Center). The farewell ceremony was last Wednesday and when I took full custody of JM. The bottom one was taken shortly after I met JM the first day I was in Ethiopia. He was a little shell shocked but attached quickly.
Bonding is continuing to go well. JM looks for me for comfort and likes to make sure I am watching him. He has normal toddler needs for independence while still making sure I am nearby. The reports I received on his personality were correct. He loves to smile, laugh and babble. He appears to be on target developmentally and things are going well. I would love to write more but I am exhausted. JM is finally asleep and I think I will head to bed myself.
I am so happy for you and JM. Like I stated earlier, he is a handsome little guy. You look great together!!!
I wanted to share my blog. I am also a single mom from Wisconsn
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