The adventures of a family led by a single mom. Come along and see what fun adventure is heading our way!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ethiopian Celebration!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Jacob went on his first camping trip! He had a great time and learned a new phrase. He now loves to tell people to "get down." Of course, he learned this after I told him about 100 times to get down off the table. He also learned it is a lot of fun to have someone throw him in the water while wearing his life jacket. He loves suddenly popping back up to the top of the water.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Finally Here!
I have an interview for a new assignment at work today. It is a job that I have wanted since I was in the police academy. There are 12 of us applying and only 2 positions. I know the odds are against me and that I most likely won't get the job. I can't help but to be anxious and hope for the best though. It is a job that I would keep for years to come. I even considered changing departments a couple of years ago in hopes of getting a community policing assignment. I will do my best at the interview today and try not to get upset if I am not chosen. All I can do is keep applying.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Anxiously Waiting!

Jacob and I have been assigned a new au pair. Her name is Veronica and she is coming from Ecuador. There is a chance she will arrive this weekend. That doesn't leave me much time to prepare! We are excited to invite a new friend into our home and hope that things work out well. I think she will be a good match for our family. I am just waiting to hear when she will arrive for sure.
Trudie is still living here. I am not sure how long she will be with us. The agency is actively seeking a new family for her. I am praying that she finds a home she will like soon. In the meantime, I have told the agency she is welcome to stay here. She will be moving into Jacob's bedroom and sleeping on an air mattress. Jacob's room is small and there is not a lot of room but it should work for a short period of time.
I have decided to leave Jacob in half-day daycare for the next two weeks. He really likes it there and I want to give the daycare a two week notice. I want to be able to take Jacob there again in the future if I decide not to have an au pair. It all depends on when and how many additional children I have.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Oops! No new au pair yet!
I really hope they can find one for me soon. I do not ask a lot of the au pair. Just that she is willing to pick up Jacob's toys, vacuum and cook dinner for him when she is working. I have spoken to other au pair families who state they ask a lot more of their au pairs. I really hope I can find the right one for my family soon.
A New Au Pair!
I do not know when the new au pair will be arriving. It should be soon. I am excited but also nervous. I am hoping that everything will work out well and we will get along. I am not home a lot and tend to want to spend my free time alone with Jacob. I do not mind having the au pair accompany us occasionally but I definitelly a lot of time alone with my son. I miss him so much while I am at work that I cannot stand being away from him when I am not working. The first few weeks before she makes new friends will probably be the most difficult. I will teach her how to take the bus as soon as possible so that she has transportation. After that, I just need to let her find her own way. I also cannot let myself feel guilty if she is home alone while Jacob and I are spending quality time together.
I went to the special needs adoption seminar yesterday. I still do not know what to do. I am trying to get information on regular foster care adoption from the county. I still do not know when a decision will be made. It is so difficult knowing that the adoption may fall through and the child returned to her birth family. Especially in cases of abuse. I do not know how I would handle returning the child. I may give it a chance though. I will just try to keep myself from becoming too attached while still giving the child the love and attention that she deserves. I do not really want to make a decision before next fall. Jacob needs to be home a little longer and I want to be eligible for family leave. I also want to wait to see what happens with my job and what the doctors say about having a child by birth.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Need For Support

Friday, July 6, 2007
Waiting for a new au pair
I have spent the last two days trying to arrange childcare for Jacob. I received several promising offers from an ad on Craig's List. I decided not to hire someone for just three or four weeks. Jacob will be attending daycare instead. I could not find a second shift daycare so I had to get creative. He will be attending daycare from 2PM until 6 PM. My parents or a friend will be watching him after daycare until I get home from work. It is not my favorite option but will work for a few weeks.
Jacob begins daycare this afternoon. I think he will really enjoy it. We toured the classroom yesterday and he really liked all of the bikes and toys. He should have fun and make some new friends.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Happy July!

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Adoption On Hold
I am not sure what I will do. There are no guarantees I will be able to have a baby. If I can't, I have plenty of time to adopt later. Unfortuantely, there will always be children in need of a loving home. So for now, I am going to consider my options for awhile. I will speak to some doctors and find out the details on my options. I will also attend the orientation session for foster care and then make an informed decision. I may make the decision in the next month or it may take many months. Either way, I need to make sure I do what is right for my family. I will let everyone know when I make a decision and know something for sure.