I am so grateful for all of the support Jacob and I have received over the past few days. I don't know what we would have done without the caring support of our family and friends.
Jacob has been adjusting well to our crazy childcare the past few days. He happily goes to daycare and plays with his friends. He doesn't cry when I leave him with yet another babysitter but smiles and sticks by me when I am home. This has been the first real crisis we have had since Jacob came home. Luckily, we have been able to adjust and come up with some creative solutions. I am also blessed that Jacob is secure enough to be flexible. He believes me when I say I tell him I will be back later. He prefers to be with me but he is happy playing with his friends until I return.
Jacob and I received more support than just those people able to help out with childcare. We received many offers from people willing to help out and take a few shifts for us. I also received many phone calls and emails from people offering their support and concern for us. I appreciate all of it. It is good to know that we have family and friends we can count on to help us when times get tough.
I am still waiting to receive information about who our next au pair will be. I am expecting to hear from the agency today. Despite the problems we have had with our current au pair, I would recommend the program to other families. The agency has been working hard to find us a new au pair and to resolve the difficulties we have been having. Our local coordinator made it a priority to attend mediation two weeks ago when the problems first began. She gave up her lunch hour to complete the exit interview so that the match could officially end.
There are many benefits to having an au pair. Jacob is able to stay home and keep his normal rountine even while I work. He goes to bed in his own bed and I don't have to wake him up to take him home. He also has consistent childcare with the same care giver every day. I also like the freedom to choose which activities he participates in and have the au pair take him. Since I do not have a car for the au pair to drive, I am limited to activities near our home but there are still many options. This will be even more important as Jacob grows older and is able to participate in more activities. I do not want my job to keep him from playing sports, taking art classes or any other activities that his friends are doing.
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