Monday, August 13, 2007

Finally a Chance To Relax!

After three very hectic and fun filled weeks, life has begun to slow down. Jacob and I went to the state fair last week. We listened to a free concert put on by high school and college students as well as looked at the animals, items for sale and ate lots of junk food. Jacob loved petting a calf at the cow barns and even met Santa Clause! Santa looked a little warm while wearing his traditional outfit in 90+ degree weather!
Jacob had his third dermatology appointment last week. His birth mark has faded a lot since we began the treatments. We always follow the treatments up with a trip to the toy store and a new toy. That seems to make his day better! The treatments don't seem to hurt. He lays on that side of his face just minutes after the treatment is over. It just seems to scare him and then make him very angry. He will point to his face, glare at me and then cry. I will be so glad when the treatments are over. Unfortunately, that won't be for about 2 more years.
This week we have a lot of free time. I plan on going to the sprinkler park on Wednesday and also getting some house cleaning done. I need to get some other household chores done today and tomorrow so I can go to a Brewer baseball game on Thursday. Jacob will not be going to the game this year but I look forward to taking him next year. He needs a little more time to grow so that he can sit still a little longer first.
Summer is coming to an end but we finally have time to enjoy a little more of it. Then comes the fun of raking leaves into big piles to jump in. Followed by making snowballs and snowmen if it ever snows this winter.

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