Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year (A Little Late)

2007 was a year of changes. I lost my grandparents in January and knew things could only get better. It did but not without a few more losses. My cousin's step-son died in a car crash, a co-worker died from cancer and another aquaintance (from a different PD department) lost his son in Afghanistan. Despite all of those changes, many good things also happened.

I don't think I could ever consider 2007 a bad year. Ethiopia declared Jacob my son and I became a mother. My greatest dream came true. I have adjusted to being a mom and Jacob has adjusted to being my son. We are both doing great and very greatful for all of the wonderful blessings we have.

I hope that 2008 comes with many blessings and fewer losses. I have begun looking for a new job but haven't decided if I will accept it or not. It will depend on if I find something in the social work area in a place that is affordable and also within 2-3 hours of my parents' home. They are such an important part of my support network that I don't want to lose them.

There will be many changes in 2008. I am beginning the licensure process for foster care and will most likely accept a foster child this year (I hope). The only thing that could change that is if I get a job that requires us to move. I would then put foster care off until we are settled into our new community and job.

I hope everyone out there has a wonderful 2008 with all of your dreams coming true!

1 comment:

Angela :-) said...

Happy New Year, Heather & Jacob M.!

Angela :-)