Jacob and I have been blessed with some very special friends. We are currently watching a TV given to us by a friend of my dad's. The TV is on a stand that a friend no longer could use. Yesterday, Jacob was able to ride his first 2 wheel bike (with training wheels). A friend gave us that after her grandchildren outgrew it. Last night he played on his Vsmile system. This is a video game system for preschoolers that works on colors, counting, alphabet, etc. I was hoping to get him one for Christmas but then we got it for free from the woman whose grandchildren are a few years older than Jacob.
As I look around my house, I often wonder how we can accumulate so much stuff. Then I realize that most of the things we have gotten over the past year and a half have been gifts and many of them used. I really appreciate all of the help that I receive from other people.
I would like to say thank you to the person who gave us so many children's books that it fills an entire book case. I don't know if we will ever read them all. A thank you to the neighbor who realized one tricycle is not enough when I have two toddler (when E was still here) and gave us a second tricycle. Thank you to all of the friends who see a need and fill it with their gently used things. Jacob and I are really grateful for the generosity. Many of the things we get are either good for his development or education. That is something that was very important to Jacob's Ethiopian family and is also very important to me.
For those of you with small children, look around. As your children outgrow their toys and clothing, see if there is someone around who could use them. If not, have a garage sale. While some of the people are professional garage salers, many are not. They are just people trying to find cheap toys and clothes to give to their children. I am sure that they will enjoy the things you can no longer use. It feels good to know these items are being used by other children and not just sitting in a landfill somewhere.
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