Saturday, September 20, 2008

Daycare Drama Update

I picked up M's belongings at his old daycare yesterday. You will remember that on Thursday I witnessed a teacher being very rough with a child and even hitting his head on the changing table. I immediately told the director about it and called Human Services.

When I arrived with M yesterday,the director met us at the door. She stated that the teacher involved had been escorted out of the building yesterday and will not be allowed back in. The state and the daycare are investigating exactly what happened. She stated she received the call from Human Services after I left but was planning to call herself. I assured her that not only am I a mandatory reporter due to my profession and as a foster parent but that I also needed to know that the children were not getting hurt. She stated she understood and said she was glad I called.

It sounds like this is one thing that daycare is doing correctly. I am relieved to hear they are investigating. I was planning on moving M out of that daycare anyway beginning Monday. There were several other things I saw there that made me uncomfortable but it does seem like this incident is not being tolerated.

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