Monday, April 20, 2009

Soccer Update

Jacob had his first soccer game yesterday. I was really nervous about it. He had practice last Wednesday and it did not go well. Most of the kids had trouble with it. It is hard to explain soccer and get three-year-olds excited about kicking drills when they have never played before. Besides the short attention spans, they just didn't understand what they were suppose to be doing.

Jacob really did not enjoy most of the practice. He kept saying he did not like soccer which made me sad. I knew if he just gave a game a try that he would love racing other kids up and down a field while kicking a ball. The problem was trying to convince him that it was fun.

Yesterday was a drizzly and damp day with light rain showers. I was surprised to find out the kids were still playing. I had to work so Jacob's grandpa took him to the game. Jacob was excited to be doing something with just Grandpa. They returned shortly before I got home from work.

I walked in the house and was greeted by a very excited Jacob. He was very happy to tell me he had fun at soccer and listened to his coach. He explained how they took turns playing but he didn't score any goals because the other kids were really fast. I was relieved to hear that it went so well. I am hoping to be able to leave work a couple of hours early next weekend to see his game. It kills me to be missing them but there just isn't much I can do. I am very grateful that other people are helping him get to his games and that he is able to have fun.

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