Sunday, September 26, 2010


Do you ever get the feeling that you are overwhelmed and will never be able to catch up with all of the things that really need to get done? That is how I am feeling right now. I feel like every time I turn around there is another chore that just has to get done. I don't know if all mothers feel this way or if it is more a result of being a single mom. Either way I hope to spend my next three days off work really focusing on my to do list and see how much I can challenge myself to finish. I still have to rank and prioritize my list but here is what I hope to at least start the next three days. I will post at the end of the week how successful I am. Maybe this blog entry and public challenge is what I need to really motivate myself.

1) Take cat to the vet.
2) Shampoo carpets.
3) Clean out toys.
4) Organize and inventory winter clothes. Figure out what still fits and what can go into boxes for next summer's garage sale (it should be a big one).
5) Mow the lawn.
6) Catch up on laundry
7) Work on Dream Act
8) Finish this week's homework. I have some reading due tomorrow and internet work and assignments due on Thursday.
9) Take M to the dentist.
10) Go to the grocery store.
11) Pick up contacts.

While the list seems rather large, I have 3 days plus this evening to work on it. I think I can get most of it done if I just make the list my priority. Maybe I can even convince the kids to help with some of it. Yeah, right.

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