This weekend marked the last of our Christmas celebrations. I will probably take the Christmas tree down this week (or risk having it up for Valentine's Day). It's always one of my favorite seasons. A chance to reconnect with family and friends, people in a giving mood and of course the reminder that Jesus came to teach us how to live as Christians and led us by example.
This year was a little more stressful than past years and I could tell that my enthusiasm was dappened because of it. I am really hopeful that 2011 will bring some much needed good news and success. As Jacob told me today, "You just have to keep trying Mom." Where did he learn to be so smart?
Friday was Genna and we celebrated as a family. The boys each received a new outfit Friday morning and took treats to school. Jacob had an eye appointment with another specialist who stated his glasses are working and he doesn't need patching (yay!). I had another job interview that went well but I'm not holding my breath. It's frustrating to continue to be one of the top 3 applicants for positions and not be picked. I'll find out this week if I was chosen this time.
After my job interview, I went to work for 2 hours and 15 minutes. It was pretty much uneventful and I was happy to pick my boys up from school and continue our Genna celebrations. I picked up our friend, P, and then made a turkey breast, stuffing, cranberries and rice and broccoli for dinner. We finished the meal with cupcakes which we also took to my parents' house to share. Overall it was a good day with a taste of Ethiopian culture (since my kids no longer want to eat Ethiopian food), a good doctor appointment and a good interview (no matter what the results are).
I took this weekend off work so the boys could be part of the church Christmas program. The program was originally snowed out in Decemeber and I was glad it was rescheduled for a day we could attend. M had trouble during practice yesterday and had to spend most of it sitting out. Jacob did well and was really excited to perform.
The boys woke up this morning and I started to get us all ready for the program. M stated that he didn't think he could be quiet that long and behave if he couldn't color. He stated he didn't want to try. I told him that was fine and I would rather have him sit out than misbehave. I was glad he recognized his limits and was honest about it. I am sure he will be able to participate next year when he is 4.
Jacob did great in the program. He sang loudly and paid attention. He also spent time waving wildly to me and my parents which everyone thought was really cute. I also enjoyed the kisses he blew to me. It really was a cute performance and all of the kids did wonderful.
Now that Christmas is over and I beginning to work on my projects for the new year. Jacob and I have started to clean out the toys in the playroom and move them to the basement. He and I are hoping to transform the room into a bedroom for him. We have a long way to go but we did get a good start on it today. He actually worked on it by himself for awhile which was really nice to see.
Tomorrow I head back to work and the boys head back to school. I will finish washing their nap things tonight and Jacob will finish the worksheets he missed while he was at the doctor Friday. It has been a good weekend and hopefully we will have many more to come.
Merry Christmas and Happy Genna to everyone. May 2011 be full of blessings for all of you.
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