I really miss Ethiopia and Africa. Last night, the African Children's Choir was in town. I had seen them perform a song on American Idol last year and knew I had to see them live. I hired a babysitter (my 2 year old just would not sit still for 2 hours) and called a friend. The show was beautiful.
If you aren't aware of the choir, let me tell you a little about them. They take impoverished children from several different countries in Africa. They take them on a tour around the world where the children perform and study. When they return to their countries, the choir puts them through school with the hope that they will then help others in their communities.
Children are our greatest assets and these children are no different. Our children are our future and they are our greatest hope for peace, love and prosperity in the future. Africa's children are no different. As I sat through the concert, I thought how wonderful it is that I have a son from Africa. I thought about the huge blessing he is in my life and the blessing that those children are to their families and friends. I get sad when I think about the people who love Jacob but had the strength to let him go. I can never say thank you enough to his Ethiopian family and caregivers.
In a perfect world, everyone who wanted children would have them and everyone who had children would be able to care for them. There would not be poverty, abuse or neglect. This world is not like that. People often ask me why I don't have a child by birth. The answer is simple. There are children in our world who desperately need homes and love. They have done nothing wrong except be born into families affected by extreme poverty, abuse, neglect or other reasons why their parents are not prepared or able to care for them. Biology does not determine family but love does. It makes more sense for me to adopt a child than to spend the same amount of money to give birth to a child without the guarantee that the pregnancy will ever be successful. I love my son and to be allowed to have another child in my home and heart will be a blessing that words cannot describe.
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