Most people groan when they see this day on the calendar. Not accounting families. This is a day of celebration. It is the day when the long hours and stress of completing tax returns ends.
My mom is a certified public accountant (CPA). When I was a child, my mother only worked during "tax season." Tax season lasts from January to April 15. April 15 meant the end of evenings and Saturdays without Mom. It meant the end of daycare and short tempers from both Mom and Dad as they dealt with the stress of long work hours and raising two children. Most importantly it meant the return of "normal." Normal was having Mom available whenever I wanted something and being able to choose which parent was most likely to say yes to a new toy or trip to a movie.
As an adult, I still celebrate the end of tax season. I send my mom a small gift (flowers, candy or something similar). I know that she is available if I need a shoulder to lean on and answers to questions. I know that she will be more patient when listening to my latest "great idea." Jacob gets to play with Grandma again and everyone is looking forward to going to the park and zoo together.
So for all you accounting families out there. HAPPY END OF TAX SEASON!
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