Today was the Christmas program at the church. I didn't have a very good seat so I don't have any good pictures to share. It was a wonderful performance. Jacob was in the children's choir. He did an excellent job standing and sitting at the appropriate times and singing with the other children. I was very pleased and proud of him.
After the Christmas program, I took our friends J and B on our annual Christmas shopping trip. Normally I let them pick a mall within 5 hours of home. This year money is a little tighter so I gave them a choice of two outlet malls within an hour of home. I packed the car full of strollers and children and we were off. We shopped for over two hours and left with more things than we intended to buy. The above pictures were taken at the end of the afternoon when we were ready to go home.
Although I spent more than I planned, it wasn't bad. Jacob is very close to outgrowing his 3T clothes. I don't have very many 4T clothes yet so we got some pants, sweaters and pajamas. Jacob loves to wear sweaters and although they are a little more expenses they last longer than the long sleeve t-shirts. M has outgrown the clothes I bought him earlier this Fall but for now he is stuck with Jacob's old clothes. I do buy him a few of his own outfits but he really doesn't care what he wears and doesn't know where they come from. Of course, I will buy him more of his own clothing if he is still living with me when he is old enough to notice he is wearing Jacob's old clothes.
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