Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Weekend Recap

First off, I apologize for not posting any pictures. My camera broke and I put it somewhere safe so I could use the memory card out of it. Now I can't figure out what safe place I put it in. I bought a new camera but won't be able to post pictures until I get that memory card.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I had to work on Thursday and Saturday but celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday evening. Jacob had fun watching Grandpa and Uncle Chuck cut the turkey. We had a wonderful family dinner. M and Jacob got to spend the entire day with Grandpa and Uncle Chuck which they thought was wonderful. Uncle Chuck stated that while he does not want to do a lot of babysitting, his new girlfriend will. I just may have to take her up on that offer some day.

Friday was my 31st birthday even if I did tell everyone I was still 28. I took the day off work and did my part to help stimulate the economy. I wasn't the only one. The stores were packed. Other than a little annoyance when we got celebrated from one the teenagers I mentor, J,it went well. J had told me where she was going but I didn't hear her so it was a 40 minute search through a very busy mall to find her.

Jacob saw Santa for the first time this year. M stayed with the teenagers. It was so crowded and overstimulating that I was a little worried about how he would react. I plan to take both boys back when it is quieter and get their pictures taken. That is if they cooperate. Jacob told Santa he wanted a truck. I was happy Santa didn't promise it to him just said he would "See what I can do."

We had dinner with my parents and brother Friday evening. Jacob and M gave me some flannel sheets for my bed. Jacob also gave me a very pretty heart necklace my friend helped him buy earlier in the day.

I also received a phone call from Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I have been waiting for a new little sister. While I love mentoring J and B, they are teenagers now. I have been matched with them for eight years and we have a family relationship. I will still be matched with them but wanted a younger child to do younger child things with. It is a chance for Jacob and M to help me do volunteer work. I will find out later this week if P's parents approved the match and will update about her then.

We finished the weekend with more shopping yesterday. Whew! I got a good start on it but still have a long way to go. I may have to wait until I get paid again though. I think I'll just call work now and see if I can pick up some overtime to pay for the things we bought!

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