Friday, January 1, 2010

A Look Into 2010

Here are some things I am expecting and anticipating in 2010.

1) Finish 2 more semesters of grad school. Hopefully do as well as the first semester but at least pass the classes.

2) Finish my internship.
3) Find a job in child welfare?

4) Get my social work certification. I will be able to get it in May and it should help with the job search.

5) Complete another adoption home study. This one will be child specific. I am sure you can figure out which child. There is a chance that I will be able to start it at the end of January. Fingers and toes crossed and a lot of prayers.

6) Jacob will finish 3 year old preschool and start 4 year old preschool. He may actually start to read some easy books this year :)

7) Matt will start 3-year-old preschool! I can't believe I will have 2 preschoolers next fall.

8) No more diapers! M should be toilet trained this year and I won't have to buy diapers anymore. Or at least for a couple years :)

9) Camping! I really do miss camping. I was a little afraid to take the kids last summer but they are both ready this year.

10) Jacob will probably pass the final level of preschool swimming lessons. He is close now and will then repeat the final level until he is old enough to start youth lessons.

11) Culture camp? I am debating taking Jacob to his first Ethiopian culture camp. If I have a new job that doesn't require weekends this should be easier.

12) Watching Jacob and M continue to grow and build a strong brother relationship. Adoption is full of miracles but the actual court ceremony is just a detail. The true adoption begins in our hearts. One day in court just makes what our hearts and souls already know is the truth. I have 2 sons and whether or not we are able to legally be a family in 2010 or 2011 the truth is already here. You can see it in the way my boys love each other and the smiles on all of our faces as we enjoy each day together. Becoming a family is a process. One that we accomplished in 2009. Now to get through the court process and convince the social workers and judge that we are.

1 comment:


Heather, Aloha from Paradise
I am looking also into Twenty Ten

I like what we see

You are a blogger extraordinaire