Thursday, August 26, 2010


I know the boys and I are lucky. We just don't get sick often. I use a lot of sick leave at work on medical appointments but very little on actual days missed due to illness. Jacob was sick last spring a couple times but other than that he has been healthy.

Until last night. I picked Jacob up from school and he immediately complained that he had very bad headache. I gave him some Tylenol and he felt better about an hour later stating he wasn't sick anymore. Then about 8:00 it hit. He developed a fever, headache, sore throat and cough. The fever remained high until about 5 this morning when I noticed he was beginning to feel slightly cooler. By 6:00 it was back to normal and has stayed within normal range since then. I called him at Grandma's around 10:30 this morning and it seems that he is fine now. He reports that he is not sick and feels fine.

Hopefully Jacob will continue to feel weel and the fever will not return. If he stays fever free for 24 hours, he can return to day care tomorrow. That is assuming he still feels fine.

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