Monday, January 17, 2011


Last week was a week of calm. I know some families that are really good about having nice quiet evenings at home but my family is not one of them. It seems like things are always moving too fast and I am always struggling to keep up. The past couple of weeks haven't felt like that and it has been really nice.

Monday Jacob had his second basketball class. While the excitement of a new sport has worn off slightly, he did really enjoy the class. He wishes he could "play in the big game" but understands the class is to learn how to play basketball and he will have a chance to play in "big games" next year when he is in kindergarten. M decided he wanted to watch his brother play so he stayed with me for about 15 minutes before deciding to go to child watch and play. He also wants his brother to play in a game "so I can cheer really loud for him."

Tuesday M and Jacob had swimming lessons. I am really proud of M. He has a new teacher this session and while he has done some testing such as walking on the bottom of the pool when he discovered he can now touch, he has done much less testing than he normally does for new teachers and care givers. Jacob and M are doing really well this session in swimming. Whether they pass their levels or not (Jacob actually can't pass his until he turns 6 or gets a little more coordinated), they are having fun, showing very good social skills (something I think every preschooler can struggle with) and getting better at swimming. M is really close to being able to swim short distances with a swim belt which is my goal for him. Jacob can already swim about 25 feet without a swim vest.

Wednesday we had dinner with a friend. It was nice to just get out of the house and relax without having a lot of things I know I should be doing.

Thursday the boys stayed home with one of the best baby sitters we have ever had and I went on a date. The date was with a man I have been friends with for years so I don't know where this relationship is headed. We had a nice dinner and then went to my house for awhile where the boys were very excited to see him.

Friday was another day to just relax and go with the flow. I have P on Friday evenings so we went to a local pizza restaurant where the kids could play games. I also ordered my textbooks for next semester.

Saturday we celebrated my mom's birthday before going to a single parents by choice meeting and church. It was a busy day but another one where we really weren't rushed. Saturday was probably the most stressful day just because we did have a schedule that was a little tighter but it still wasn't too bad.

Sunday I went back to work and am trying to get a jump start on my courses for this semester. I am taking a diversity course on cultural competence and a course on mental illness. Both should be very interesting but I am really looking forward to the mental health course. I have worked with many people with mild to severe forms of mental illness and I am fascinated by the field. It will be a busy semester but fun.

Today is a holiday at my job so I am making holiday pay and earning a day off to use in the future. Day care is closed so the kids are with my dad. They have a day of cooking and sledding planned. Dad told the boys he was going to sleep in but they quickly told him it was not an option and they are ready to play. Poor Dad. I hope they take it easy on him today.

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