Friday, May 14, 2010

Looking Forward To Mom Time

Last night was our last night at the sitter's house we use for school. She has agreed to watch the kids again next year and I am thankful. She does a wonderful job. Jacob gets sad when we go sometimes because he would rather be with me but after a few minutes he warms up and always has a great time. Here is the conversation between M and Jacob on the ride to Nicole's house.

Jacob: M! This is our last time going to Nicole's house!
M: It is?
Jacob: Yeah! Now we get to spend more time with Mom!

We took cupcakes to share for their last night for awhile. Nicole told Jacob she was sad he was leaving and that she would miss him. He replied, "It's okay Nicole. I'll be back next fall. I have to spend time with my mom now." The other kids in the home were also sad to see him leave but he reminded them he will be back in a few months. We may even go up just to say hi and check in sometime this summer. Maybe it would be a good excuse to go camping for a night.

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