Friday, September 5, 2008


Jacob had his first gymnastics class last night. He smiled during the entire class but did have difficulty waiting his turn and staying focused. There was just so much fun stuff to try and do that he couldn't stand still to wait for his turn. His teachers were much better than me about it though. I kept wanting to yell at him to stay with his group and wait his turn. His teachers just took it in stride. He wasn't the only new student having trouble concentrating. After class he admitted he had trouble listening. We talked about it and agreed to try listening a little better next week. I am hoping that it will be easier for him to concentrate as he becomes more familiar with the class.


Angela :-) said...

After 3 kids going through gymnastics classes, I have learned that I just can NOT watch the classes. It annoys me too much to watch them not listening while the teachers seem oblivious to it.

Angela :-)

Heather said...

I thought about just not watching. It would certainly make entertaining M easier. Jacob was so excited when I watched him though. I hate to miss a chance to encourage him like that.